How to Style Clogs

troentorp clogs

I never realized how popular my #cloglife blog post would be. It is really due to the recent resurgence of the love of clogs. And Lauren Mechling. So, here’s some more clogophile content.

I love my Troentorp Clogs. (I have the Da Vinci in Dark Blue.) And, for $99 plus free shipping you too can experience true love.

I didn’t realize just how much I would wear these, but they are such a favorite and seem to go with everything. (Sometimes I feel bad for my other shoes.) Why do I pick them over and over? Maybe it’s that they make me taller (without being heels) or that they slip on? I just can’t get enough of them.

How do you style clogs?

I actually wondered this. I soon realized that you just put on any clothes and then slip on clogs. I rounded up all the selfies I had wearing clogs. I love the way they look when your ankles show and I’ve gone sock-less even when it’s somewhat cool out. But they also look terribly cute with socks.

I think they are the perfect shoes to take you from too-cool-for-sandals all the way into the Fall and Winter months.

#cloglife #livingmybestlife #livingmybestcloglife #troentorp #sweden